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SUNDAY SERVICE 8:15AM 9:45AM & 11:30AM

About Connection
Our Distinctives
Equipping people to become wholehearted followers of Jesus.
One Church in multiple locations
reaching thousands of people
across Appalachia.
We are non-denominational:
Connection Church does not hold a denominational affiliation. Our congregation is comprised of people from various backgrounds such as Southern Baptist, United Methodist, Pentecostal, Freewill Baptist, and many others.
We are charismatic:
Growing healthy Christians in
hurting communities.
Connection Church believes and teaches that all the gifts of the Holy Spirit we read in Scripture have continued in active ministry through today.
We are doctrinally orthodox:
We hold to the historical tenets of Evangelical Protestant Christian doctrine.
We are people-empowering:
We endeavor to be a church that discovers, develops, and deploys God’s calling and abilities on every person in our church family regardless of age, ethnicity, or gender. At Connection you will see students serving alongside of seniors as well as women teaching and leading ministry departments. We hold the conviction that a people-empowering church is in alignment with the full counsel of Scripture.
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